Tag Archives: O’Malleynomics

The time for Keynes has passed

Adam Pagnucco responded to yesterday’s post regarding his take on the budget. Adam, unfortunately, still is unwilling to admit a..

The O’Malley Deficit

There is other news today. Martin O’Malley’s deficit was a major story in the Washington Post today: Maryland could face..

The Green Dictatorship

Given the jones that Governor O’Malley and Annapolis Democrats has for the expansion of power in the name of the..

Ray of Hope

As many of you know I have long been an advocate of privatizing many state government operations in an effort..

Governor O’Malley and Big Labor

Following up with yesterday’s post about Maryland, labor, and the O’Malley Administration comes more complaints from the left regarding the..

Seeing Red

Now that their main man Martin is in the Governor’s Mansion, apparently the state budget running in the red is..

O’Malleynomics Strike Back

Low and behold, look which failed economic platform reared its ugly head again: Gov. Martin O’Malley unveiled yesterday a proposal..

The Morality of Taxes

Sun reporter Michael Dresser provides virtually glowing commentary in beginning his article about the new “Millionaire’s bracket”. What does this..


Man, this takes either a great deal of guts or a great lack of foresight: As lawmakers worked Monday to..


Only now does it seem that Annapolis Democrats are finally beginning to realize the hole they dug for themselves during..