All posts by Chester Peake

Sad Irony

Does anyone else see the sad, cruel irony in the fact that the Obama girls new dog is a “water..
Got Championships? We Do!

Got Championships? We Do!

Congrats to the Baltimore Blast for their win of the 2009 Championship against the Rockford Rampage. Delegate Tony McConkey’s brother..

Lisa Gladden Lost?

Sen. Gladden today had to leave her lofty Senate building and go over to the humble House, where she had..
The Diddy Retort…

The Diddy Retort…

Diddy (does he use the P. anymore?) gets all “tourettes-syndrome” on Bush in a foul video that is NSFW. He..

Has Greta Been Hanitized?

I can dream, can’t I? However, Ms. Van Sustern did nail Clinton advisor Terry McCaulliffe, and wouldn’t accept his bull..