All posts by Brian Griffiths


Patriots 27, Ravens 24……and I am at a loss for words. I have never seen a football game so heartbreaking..

Our Party is Better than this

My RedMaryland colleague Michael Swartz reports that all of the proposed bylaw amendments passed, with the exception of the incumbent..

Do as I say….

….not as the Majority Leader does: House Majority Leader Kumar P. Barve, who has supported stricter drunken-driving laws, was charged..

Mission Creep

Governor O’Malley is getting ready to push for new revenues, by trying to sneak in new revenue sources by putting..

Another Paul Person

Yes, reports that another Ron Paul flunky has filed for Congress, this time in the 2nd District. This just..

Things in CD-3

So a Christopher Panasuk is a candidate for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District, as well as a candidate for..
Descriptive Reasoning

Descriptive Reasoning

I post this for no other reason than to wonder if we can nail O’Malley with such a penalty too,..

Misfiring on all cylinders

University of Baltimore Law Professor Kenneth Lasson goes on a predictably leftist, completely unscholarly tirade about the 2nd Amendment in..

Irony Alert

“As a member of the General Assembly, I voted against slots, and my position has remained unchanged,….However, like all other..

Stupid FSP Tricks

Eric Luedtke seriously needs to get a clue: Had Governor Ehrlich spent any time dealing with substantive issues like, say,..