Politicize All the Things

In the mind of Governor Martin O’Malley, there is never a bad time to try to score political points on Republicans. Even when one of the most unusual and dangerous storms this area has ever seen is bearing down on our state.

Let us take you back to Saturday, when our friend Jeff Quinton caught this gem from our esteemed Governor:

Just spoke w/ Secretary Napolitano. Good to have a DHS that calls BEFORE a disaster hits. Thanks President @barackobama
— Martin O’Malley (@GovernorOMalley) October 27, 2012

Needless to say that got a reaction out of me, and others:

Must you always be an ass? RT @governoromalley: Just spoke w/ Secretary Napolitano. Good to have a DHS that calls BEFORE a disaster hits
— Brian Griffiths (@BrianGriffiths) October 27, 2012

It’s ok though. Not too long after that, Governo O’Malley really hunkered down and focused on the storm that was bearing down on our state…

Great time jamming out at the early vote concert. Get out and #Vote! yfrog.com/mmggqqlj
— Martin O’Malley (@GovernorOMalley) October 28, 2012

That’s right, the Montgomery County Young Democrats held an “Early Voting Rally” of some sort on Saturday night. So instead of trying to publicly show that this is a dangerous storm that can do very bad things, our Governor decided to go whoop it up and some Irish bar instead. Classy….
After a reasonably pedestrian Sunday, the Gov took to the airwaves this morning and found it an apropos time to start waxing poetic about global warming:
I’m seriously at my wits end with this Governor….
During a time of crisis, or emergency, or when the public safety is in danger (as it is right now, in case you haven’t looked outside or what’s going on at Ocean City) we need leadership that focuses on the task at hand, nothing more, nothing less. You don’t need to be boisterous like Chris Christie. But Chris Christie gets the information out there, tells it to you like it is, and doesn’t try to score political points about it. Even the President, during his news conference today, deflected the question about what impact this has on the election and said that the election will take care of itself. Instead, O’Malley’s out trying to score points that he thinks will help him in his 2016 Presidential campaign instead of showing the competent, thoughtful leadership that might prove to his party and others that he’s up to the task to be President. 
Why does Martin O’Malley have to state everything through a political spectrum? What is it in this man’s DNA that makes him so averse to performing his job in a competent, apolitical manner?

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