
Let’s Talk More About the Democrats Hypocrisy on Education

Last week I wrote about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rich Madaleno’s bald-faced lie and rank hypocrisy concerning state education funding. To recap:  While falsely accusing Governor Hogan of cutting $1 billion education funding, Madaleno voted to cut state education spending by $2.3 billion.

However, Madaleno isn’t the only Maryland Democrat who voted for these cuts. Some of the most sanctimonious signalers of superior virtue when it comes to education also voted for those same cuts.

Let’s start with legislative leadership, where the hypocrisy is bicameral. Senate President Mike Miller hit the green button on every penny of those cuts. Speaker of the House Mike Busch also gave his blessing to all $2.3 billion as well.

But wait there’s more…

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Delegate Eric Luedtke, chair of the Education Subcommittee on Ways and Means and champion of the MSEA education monopoly, voted for $1.6 billion of the $2.3 billion in cuts. But that’s only because Luedtke wasn’t a member of the General Assembly until 2011.

MSEA ally and union official, Senator Paul Pinsky voted for $1.8 billion of the $2.3 billion in education cuts.  He didn’t vote for it in the 2014 session; who knows why, maybe because it was an election year.

Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Chair of Appropriations, member of the Kirwan Commission, and aspirant to succeed Busch as Speaker, voted for all $2.3 billion in cuts.

When he wasn’t busy protecting child molesters from tough sentences or daydreaming of being an Attorney General deserving of impeachment, Brian Frosh voted for $1.8 billion of the $2.3 billion in cuts.

Progressive darling Jamie Raskin may have skipped out of Annapolis for DC, but not before voting for all $2.3 billion in education cuts.

Click the links below to see which legislators voted for, and how much of the $2.3 billion cuts to education.

House Votes

Senate Votes


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