
Hoeber Sign Shows Hogan Endorsement That Hasn’t Happened

Amie Hoeber may have announced her candidacy for Congress, but a newly posted sign is sending waves across the 6th District.

The Hoeber campaign has posted a sign in Frederick County (above) with the phrase “endorsed by Governor Hogan.” This sign is in the same design used by Hoeber in the 2016 general election after her endorsement by Governor Larry Hogan well after the primary election

The photograph was originally posted by Hoeber primary opponent Matt Mossburg.

The problem is that the Hober sign implies an endorsement by Governor Hogan in the primary that has not happened.

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“The governor has made no endorsements in Maryland’s congressional races this cycle,” said Jim Barnett, spokesman for the Hogan Campaign

The Hoeber campaign has not responded to a request for comment at press time.

On Facebook, Hoeber claims that the sign is an “old sign”, though it is odd for an old sign to be newly posted with an endorsement that has not happened in this primary.

We’ll keep track of this story to see if the Hober campaign continues to post signs with this endorsement.

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