
Trump Rally is an Unproductive Waste of Time

Tomorrow in Annapolis the Facebook group “Maryland for Trump” will be hosting a rally at Lawyer’s Mall in Annapolis:

Come out this Saturday at 11am to Support President Trump who is Making America Great Again, Already.

Please share this, Like it if you support Trump and comment if you’re coming?

Trending: President Trump Must Be Reelected

We will report the great accomplishments of Trump’s administration that the press has ignored! Let’s show the President we support his efforts and let’s show the media elites we will not be ignored! The stock market is rising! Unemployment is falling! This is sponsored by Maryland for Trump and minority coalitions for Trump. Speakers include Dr. Rev. Darrell Scott, The National Diversity Coalition for Trump, Sajid Tarar, Muslims for Trump, Jesse Singh, Sikhs for Trump and Michael Cohen, former personal attorney for President Trump.

You may remember the Maryland for Trump group from over the summer when they teamed up with the Maryland Democratic Party to attack Governor Larry Hogan.

The rally itself seems like it’s designed to be an echo chamber for those supporting the President and not one that is going to accomplish anything.

Rallies can be an important part of politics if there is a component of action associated with them; voter registration, meeting with elected officials, campaigning. And the crowd has to be large enough to garner the attention of the media or, at the very least, make for good photography for social media or campaign purposes.

Instead, it seems as if the purpose of the rally is to encourage Trump supporters, listen to D-list speakers and……that’s it.

What’s puzzling (and frustrating) about this is the fact that you have supporters scheduled to arrive it an Annapolis at precisely the right time to do good. With the elections in Annapolis five weeks away, this would be a perfect time for Trump supporters to descend upon Annapolis to knock doors for Mayor Mike Pantelides and the other Republican candidates running for Alderman. A force multiplier in an election with low margins of potential victory on either side, an election where one person spending two hours door knocking can be a real difference between the Republican winning and the Republican losing. Critically important at a time that the Maryland Democratic Party is trying to win in Annapolis to, in their words, send a message to President Trump and to Governor Hogan.

Instead, they plan to get together and talk at each other.

Rallies have an important place in politics, but not at a time where there is critical work to do. Something for rally attendees and organizers should ponder for this and future rallies.

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