
Red Maryland Post-Session Survey: Deb Rey

What is your top legislative achievement for the 2017 General Assembly Session?

Passing 18 local legislation bills for County government and other constituents

What is your top legislative disappointment for the 2017 General Assembly Session?

HB 1036 Firearms – Handgun Permit – Preliminary Approval did not completely pass both chambers. It failed on the last day because it didn’t make it back to the House for concurrence on amendments by the Senate.

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We asked before Session about your top legislative priorities for 2017. How do you feel about your efforts to achieve those priorities?

Really good. I was able to pass 2 new alcohol licenses for St Mary’s County at the request of constituents.

Please explain your vote on House Bill 631.

I voted for this bill because the law is “MAY” not shall and will allow the Attorney General to address potential price gouging in prescription drugs.

Will you be running for re-election in 2018? Why or why not?

Yes because there is still work to do!

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