
Radical AltLeft Mob Harasses Democratic Senator at Home

An Alt Left Mob protested today got dicey as the mob turned up at the House of a Democratic Member of the State Senate.

The group “Baltimore Bloc” decided that they were going to protest President Trump today through the streets of Baltimore Today. Baltimore BLOC describes itself as “Building a GrassRoots Collective of Friends, Families & Neighborhoods; United to Decolonize Communities & Organize for Kujichagulia.”

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For whatever reason, the protest decided to swing by State Senator Bill Ferguson’s house to demand that he support SB 835, the Maryland Trust Act.

There’s only one small problem with the protest at Ferguson’s house demanding that Ferguson support the Maryland Trust Act; it’s the fact that Ferguson is one of the sponsors of the Maryland Trust Act.

Hilariously, the BmoreBloc Twitter handled attempted to then defend their protest at Ferguson’s house by basically saying that Ferguson (as a State Senator in Maryland) has not done enough to oppose President Trump to placate them.

As we are want to do, we at Red Maryland pointed out the contradictory nature of the protest and how the Baltimore BLOC group clearly had done no research prior to harassing a State Senator at home.

As expected, this was the reaction of that particular outfit.


And to prove off how professional this operation is, you can take a look at their website at in order to learn more…..except they haven’t paid their bill to SquareSpace recently.


There are so many things that are wrong with this picture. But the fact that a violent AltLeft mob turned up at the house of a Democratic State Senator who supports their efforts but is still told that he “isn’t doing enough” to denounce President Trump should tell you everything that you need to know about the violent mob mentality on the part of the AltLeft these days. And the fact that the AltLeft is becoming the mainstream of the Democratic Party both in Maryland and nationally has dangerous consequences for politics all over the place.

We don’t always agree with Senator Ferguson, but he deserves better than having a mob show up at his house to harass his him and his family for not supporting a particular cause enough for the radical AltLeft to be satisfied.

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