
Naivete, Ignorance, and Political Malpractice

Reporters and liberals are showing their collective ignorance on the internet today over Governor Larry Hogan’s Executive Order extending the General Assembly by 30 days if a budget is not passed. Such as this gem from the SEIU’s Political and Legislative Director:

Trending: President Trump Must Be Reelected

The Reporters and Activists that are crying foul, such as the one above, about the Governor’s Executive Order clearly show their ignorance about Maryland Government and State History.

Article III, Section 52 (10) of the Maryland State Constitution reads:

If the Budget Bill shall not have been finally acted upon by the Legislature seven days before the expiration of the regular session, the Governor shall issue a proclamation extending the session for some further period as may, in his judgment, be necessary for the passage of such bill; but no other matter than such bill shall be considered during such extended session except a provision for the cost thereof

That means that Governor Hogan legally has absolutely no choice but to issue and Executive Order to extend the General Assembly Session due to the failure of the General Assembly to adopt a budget by the 83rd Day of Session.

The real hullabaloo about left-wing activists like Ms. Semachko is the fact that this literally happens almost every year. Just look at the fact that Martin O’Malley issued executive orders for each of his first seven years in office extending the General Assembly session for the same reasons:

We keep telling you that the left wing activists and their media allies will never give Larry Hogan a break. This is merely the latest in an ever-expanding list of examples detailing that.

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