Hough for Senate campaign receives additional local endorsements

As you may know, Red Maryland recently endorsed Mike Hough for State Senate in District 4.  At the time, some of our detractors, and even an ill informed friend, claimed that our endorsement was from a bunch of “out of town bloggers” and that folks in Frederick County all support Mike’s opponent.  Of course, I grew up in District 4 and my family and my wife’s family still live there.  Our founding editor Streiff also lives in the District. Many of the “local” supporters of Senator Brinkley do not have these same connections with District 4.  But I digress.

Mike Hough received some additional endorsements from conservative elected officials who live in and/or  have represented Frederick County for many years.  
“I fully endorse Michael Hough because he is the true conservative in this race. Voters in Frederick & Carroll County deserve to have a conservative State Senator. You can count on Michael to stand for lower taxes, fight Obamacare, and out of control spending.”
The former Congressman knows this area very well and also knows something about cleaning Senator Brinkley’s clock in a Republican primary in this area.

Michael Hough is the clear tested choice for conservatives in Frederick & Carroll Counties. Hough will fight back against liberals in Annapolis. I endorse my good friend Michael Hough for State Senate.”
Mr. Young has been a conservative leader in the county for years and knows about taking on and beating the “Vichy Wing” of the Republican party in Frederick County.
No doubt more endorsements will be forthcoming.  We at Red Maryland are proud to have been the first to endorse Mike Hough.  We know what Congressman Bartlett and Commissioner Young know that you cannot have an effective resistance to the liberal Democratic machine in Annapolis by voting for over 40 separate fee and tax increases, voting for five O’Malley budgets, and voting to keep Mike Miller as President of the Senate. Real conservative leadership is not calling for hearings on Maryland’s roll-out of Obamacare while voting to implement, fund and bail out this colossal bureaucratic failure.
Despite the wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth by moderate state Republicans, the voters in the June Republican primary in District 4 will know the records of the candidates and will find, as we have, that Mike Hough is the true conservative choice for State Senate.

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