The Broadside Tonight 7pm

Tonight on The Broadside, 7pm on the Red Maryland Network

We’ve got Len Lazarick of Maryland Reporter to talk Maryland congressional redistricting, potential lawsuits, and the recent Gonzalez poll showing Marylanders roughly evenly split on gay marriage and MD DREAM Act.

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Janine Turner will join us to talk about her Hollywood Hypocrisy piece in the Washington Examiner.

Andrew will expound on his piece at piece at Big Government on the Gibson Guitar raids, and the dangerous collusion between big government, big green, and big business.

Plus we’ll talk about:

The Occupy Wall Street protests and what they mean

The legacy of Steve Jobs

And, since it’s Halloween season we’ll talk local haunted hayrides.

Call in to join the show at 760-259-2711

Watch the show on Broadside TV on Ustream, tune in at 6:30 for the pregame show.

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