Justin Ready for Delegate, District 5A

Anybody who has been involved in the Maryland Republican Party over the course of the last several elections knows Justin Ready. He has worked his way through the ranks in the Party, starting out as a legislative staffer, moving up to finally serving as the Chief of Staff to State Senator Janet Greenip. He parlayed that position into service as the Executive Director of the Maryland Republican Party, a term in which he tried to move the party forward through growth, interaction with bloggers and a more expansive use of Social Media. Of course, he got caught up in the Jim Pelura power struggle and we know what happened there.

What has Justin done since then? Well, he went on to start a small consulting business and he has decided to run for the House of Delegates in Carroll County’s District 5A. And Red Maryland is pleased to endorse Justin Ready for Delegate.

If there is one thing that best defines Justin Ready, it’s his ideological consistency. Justin Ready is a conservative’s conservative. he is for reforming education spending so that we actually educate students instead of grow bureaucracies. He’s a strong supporter of both the Right to Life as well as our Second Amendment rights. Justin believes in legitimate health care reform that will allow portability of coverage and real reductions in health care costs while increasing the availability of coverage. And like all of our Republican members of the General Assembly in Annapolis should believe, Justin Ready supports cutting wasteful spending, and providing meaningful tax relief to Maryland’s middle and working class families. You learn more about Justin’s positions on these issues here.

Justin is running in a complex political environment. Five-term State Senator Larry Haines just announced his retirement, which creates a bit of flux in his District. Additionally, neither of the two Republican incumbents, Tanya Shewell or Nancy Stocksdale, have announced their plans for this election with any finality (though Stocksdale has indeed filed to run with the State Board of Elections). Regardless of the political environment or the intentions of the incumbents, we believe Justin Ready is best suited to represent the interests of the people of Carroll County, as well as the interests of all of Maryland’s families.

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We encourage you to support Justin’s campaign at www.justinready.com.

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