AARP – Another Lefty Lobby

We recently did a post on the Maryland League of Conservation Voters (MLCV) and their decision to rate Maryland legislators on EARLY VOTING.  We posed the question – What does early voting have to do with environmentalism?

Today I received an email from the Maryland chapter of AARP asking me to email my senators in support of “Cap and Tax”.  For those of us at that certain age in life, AARP offers lots of great benefits; discounts on travel, insurance, etc.  However, I become increasingly dismayed with groups that claim to be supporting certain issues and then use our dues money to promote left wing causes like “Cap and Tax” and ObamaCare (last week AARP hosted a “Tele-Town Hall” that did told every left wing lie possible about Obama Care).

Something tells me that AARP supports early voting too.  What has that got to do with being a senior?  We vote in high numbers already.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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