
Well, I’m so glad that Baltimore City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake kept her raise so she could “do more charitable giving than usual.” Because nothing screams charity and giving like this:

The usual ceremonial bet was off, what with Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl apparently shy about wagering on today’s AFC championship game with his just-indicted counterpart in Baltimore. City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake saw the hole and rushed through it, making a bet of her own with Pittsburgh Council President Doug Shields. The pol whose team loses will have to fork over $25 to two charities, St. Vincent De Paul in Baltimore and the Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.

Wow. $50. I feel so inspired by her giving, and giving only if the Ravens lose.

I wish that liberal politicians, cheapskates with their own money, would be so frugal with the taxpayer’s money…

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