Baltimore City To Pay $1 Million To Recruit PTA Members !

Unfree State

Only a couple months after a Baltimore City school teacher was knocked to the ground and summarily set upon by a student holding her down and beating her unmercifully, Baltimore City Schools CEO Andres Alonso has managed to change the subject with the help of his main cheerleader the Sun.

This morning’s gurgling piece of sugar-coated propaganda published by the once great newspaper, has a headline that reads, ” Parents to help govern schools.” The piece then goes on to paint a surrealistic, portrait of how the well-intentioned programs of the righteous educrates will work magic and change the thug culture in Baltimore schools that triggered and continues to trigger the massive exodus of black and white citizens from the city.

The article says it will work this time because Alonso’s social engineering plans are backed by a $1 million in taxpayer’s and private grant funding. To do what?

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“To contract with community-based organizations, which would be charged with getting parents involved and forming PTAs in the many schools that don’t have them.”


Where I come from we the parents do that ourselves and it doesn’t cost anything but the love of one’s child!

Meanwhile, not a word about the poor teacher who was beaten in the video above, nor any update on what happened to the so-called student who gave her the thrashing!

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