Ka-ching! Ka-ching!

That’s the sound your money makes going into the piggy bank of O’Malley’s political allies.

The Board of Public Works voted 2-1 today to approve the purchase of a 74-acre parcel at the northern tip of Kent Island known as Love Point — a site that Maryland Natural Resources officials say offers unique, deep-water access for boaters and has historical significance.

Gov. Martin O’Malley and Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp voted for the $7.2 million purchase of the Langenfelder Marine property under Program Open Space. Comptroller Peter Franchot voted against it, saying he thought that state officials should have negotiated a better price.

“Is this project the best possible expenditure, and are taxpayers getting the best bang for the buck?” questioned Franchot. “I think $97,000 an acre is way too much.”

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Bravo to Commissioner Franchot for voting against this fraud.

We know this property could not be developed for residential use and that it is way overpriced. We know the seller and the state apparatchik responsible for buying it were involved, together, in trying to sell this parcel of land to Maryland before the O’Malley regime arrived. We know it is overpriced. And we know we’ve been screwed.

Now, according to O’Malley Watch, the state will lease back the waterfront portion of the property to the sellers for a mere pittance.

Another great day in O’Malley land.

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