Is Sheila Dixon Using the Police Commisioner Post As A Political Ploy?

Sheila Dixon. Despite the only poll that’s out, I suspect she’s not really that far ahead in this race. Isn’t it odd that she floats her finalists for police commissioner just two weeks out of the election? Then conveniently, it’s between the black and the white guy. Does anyone else see this a merely a political ploy to attract voters across racial lines? Playing her hand too soon may alienate a bloc of voters. Personally, I think she knows who she’s going to pick. This begs the question though: why is this being floated at this time? It makes no sense whatsoever. If anything, it makes her appear either evasive or indecisive. That said, this so-called looming decision stands only to hurt Sheila among likely voters. Granted, none of her challengers have called her out on it. I view this as another odd move by a very odd lady. How will the voters of Baltimore react in 12 days?


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