Tag Archives: Montgomery County

Oh No MoCo…Again

Oh No MoCo…Again

Watch Montgomery County Councilman George Leventhal insult constituents who oppose the misguided county carbon tax he favors then pat himself..

Seeing the Light?

You will never guess who wrote this lament: So the resulting energy tax hike is both large and narrowly targeted:..

Marc Fisher Gets Mugged

It’s been said that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged… or had their ability to hire a..

No Sense of Responsibility

Montgomery County is facing a $401 million budget shortfall. Presumably this is all the fault of a “structural deficit” created..

The Deck Chair Shuffle

From the Washington Post: Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett (D) called for an ambitious reorganization of major government services yesterday,..

Way to Hang Together, MoCo

I think nearly all of us have scratched our head in bemusement at the failure of the Montgomery County delegation..

Saying No to Venezuela

Sometimes liberals just leave you scratching your head. For a political philosophy that purported values human rights, what is it..
Tax Unrest in MoCo

Tax Unrest in MoCo

As we’ve reported below, it is nearly definite that Governor O’Malley will announce a special session of the legislature to..

Saddling up the petard

If Schadenfreude is a sin then I’m probably condemned to Gahenna. Over my morning coffee, some of which I lost..

Local Boy Hits the Big Time

The FBI has raided the Potomac home of a former Department of Justice attorney in conjunction with an investigation into..

Tax the Other Guy

A rather silly push poll conducted last week by a far left Alliance for Tax Fairness which purported to show..