Tag Archives: Global Warming

Cold Hard Truth

Want to know the real reason why we cannot throw money at “alternative fuels” indiscriminately? Do you remember twenty years..

The Turning of the Tide…

The opening night of the Heartland International Conference on Climate Change was inspiring, if for only one reason: the tide..
Climate Realism

Climate Realism

I’m in the heart of Manhattan attending the Heartland Institute’s 2009 International Conference on Climate Change: Was it Ever Really..
More Silver Linings

More Silver Linings

Dovetailing a bit on Brian’s post below we can take some measure of comfort in the fact that Californians–let me..

The Green Dictatorship

Given the jones that Governor O’Malley and Annapolis Democrats has for the expansion of power in the name of the..

Al Gore: Owned

The Al Gore is God Society may take umbrage with this, but let me share with you this clip from..

Britons buck belief in bunk

Even the British, with their more recent leftward swings in government, don’t buy the hype in anthropomorphic global warming (h/t..

Consensus This

Once again, the global warming consensus myth dies: Global warming isn’t to blame for the recent jump in hurricanes in..