
A Time for Choosing

The Maryland Republican Party Spring Convention is next weekend in Annapolis, and the members of the assembled Central Committees are going to have quite a choice to make over the next ten days. No, I’m not talking about the contested race for National Committeeman between David Bossie and Louis Pope. Nor am I talking which twenty-two Republicans (eleven delegates and eleven alternates) to select to send to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

I’m talking more specifically about whether or not they stay on the Republican Central Committee.

I warned about this potential issue for Central Committee members when I wrote about Donald Trump in March:

For Republican officials and for Republican employees, they are going to have a choice to make. Some made the choice early. David Wissing was on the Howard County Republican Central Committee until he resigned last December when he publicly said that he would not support Donald Trump if he were the nominee. Many employees and Central Committee members across the country are going to have this choice. They are going to either have to support Trump, or they are going to have to leave their positions. This is a rational expectation from party officials.

Trending: President Trump Must Be Reelected

So that circumstance, the one that a majority of us were hoping would not occur, has occurred. Donald Trump is going to be the nominee of the Republican Party. And that puts Central Committee members on the clock.

The questions for Republican Central Committees is this: how comfortable are you supporting a party led by Donald Trump?

How comfortable are you being leaders in a party led by a candidate who supports continued federal funding of Planned Parenthood?

How comfortable are you being leaders in a party led by a candidate courting racists and anti-semites into his the party?

How comfortable are you being leaders in a party led by a candidate a candidate that supports the seizure of property through eminent domain for private, not public use?

How comfortable are you being leaders in a party led by a candidate that supports  controls on the sale and ownership of automatic weapons?

How comfortable are you being leaders in a party led by a candidate who supports universal healthcare in the style of the failed British National Health Service?

How comfortable are you being leaders in a party led by a candidate that  supports confiscatory taxes on the moderately wealthy?

How comfortable are you being leaders in a party led by a candidate that supports ridiculously high tariffs that would increase the cost of goods for consumers?

How comfortable are you being leaders in a party led by a candidate who speaks glowingly of anti-liberty totalitarians like Putin and Stalin?

The choice for Republican Party leaders both here in Maryland and around the country is simple: do you believe in the principles of conservatism and limited government, or are you a party hack that’s going to fall in line? Do you have the courage of your convictions, or are you going to sit back and collaborate with Trump as he tries to remake the Republican Party into the National Front?

There are only two choices to make; you can either be for Trump or you can be for conservative principles.  The positions are mutually exclusive, and Republican Central Committee members owe it to Republican across Maryland to declare where they stand.

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