The Honeymoon is Over in Frederick County

The honeymoon is over for the new Frederick County Charter Government.  Councilman Kirby Delauter is mulling over a vote of no confidence in Council President Bud Otis.  The spit originated when a few items mysteriously disappeared off the agenda without any notice.  According to the Frederick County Charter, the Council may set their own rules on how sessions are handled.  On the Council’s first meeting the Council granted the President the power to amend the agenda.  Having the power to control an agenda is very powerful as if the topic is not on the agenda; it is not allowed to be discussed.

President Bud Otis removed two items which stemmed on sending two letters to Governor Hogan regarding the gas tax and rain tax.

Upon Delauter finding out about these amendments he tried to call a vote and was quickly told he was out of order by Otis.

It is unclear why Otis would strike these items off the agenda.  Otis offered no comment as to why.

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Delauter later went on to accuse Otis of Tyranny and squelching the voice of his constituents.

Councilman Shreve also stated one of his items was missing from the agenda as well.

Both Shreve and Delauter served on the last Board of Commissions with former Board President Blaine Young.  Both Delauter and Shreve have voiced their opinions on many topics such as parking, staff, and  other administrative items where other Council Members have been quiet.

Upon pursuing a vote of no confidence, Council Vice President  M.C. Keegan-Ayer, a Democrat, would replace fellow Republican Bud Otis.

Whatever happens, Otis should answer as to why such small items were removed from the agenda without notice.

Additionally Councilman Billy Shreve has “sidelined” himself from budgetary discussions due to budgeting analysis only being provided by County Executive Gardner’s staff.  Shreve claims, he thinks that there should be separate representation, and that being presented information from a staffer that answers to the County Executive is not valid.

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