The Final Numbers on Judd Legum

Judd Legum has filed his final campaign finance report before the election. So how did the Man who sold the world do?

Of his total contributions……597 came from residents of Maryland. 555 came from outside of Maryland. That’s not exactly a great ratio.

Of his total cash raised, Judd Legum raised $73,551.84 from out of state interests. He raised $59, 510.51 from in the state of Maryland. So still, even after four years to raise money, over 55% of Judd Legum’s money was raised from out of state.

What does that mean to you and me? It means Judd Legum is still the candidate bought and paid for by out of state interests. Judd Legum is beholden more to special interests from Washington than he ever will be to the residents of District 30.

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