Its Not About Free Speech

Baltimore Sun Editorial writer Nancy Johnston leapt to the defense of the Enoch Pratt Free Library’s decision to allow unrepentant domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn a forum to hawk their new book Race Course: Against White Supremacy.

Ayers, who has since become an education professor at the University of Illinois and a political lightning rod during the presidential election because of his acquaintanceship with Barack Obama, has expressed regret for his actions as a founding member of the antiwar group. Of course, there are many who may never forgive him. But the fact of the matter is, this man is a distinguished education scholar, and he’s elevating the discourse about race relations in this country. As such, the library is the perfect forum for this conversation. The Pratt should be applauded for the courage to host this event, ignoring the protests that have canceled other stops in this book tour. In turn, the library and its patrons deserve nothing less than a civilized, intelligent discussion.

What a bunch of vapid prattle.

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Look at the photo above, does that look like a man who has expressed any regret? Furthermore, Ayers is decidedly not regretful for his days as a terrorist, and I quote Ayers himself in the New York Times, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.”

As I detailed last year in the Washington Examiner, Ayers’ hasn’t abandoned his radicalism or revolutionary fervor, rather he has merely transferred it to the class room. As an education professor, Ayers indoctrinates our teachers to teach for social justice or as Manhattan Institute Scholar Sol Stern labels it “the belief that America is a racist, militarist country and that the capitalist system is inherently unfair and oppressive.”

Pray tell Nancy, how is warmed over and discredited anti-Americanism “elevating the discourse about race relations?”

This is no act of courage but a capitulation to two thugs who care not one iota about the first amendment or the Constitution for that matter. Indeed it is their goal in life to tear down the republic and the rights that document guarantees.

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