CD-2, 3 challengers highlight leadership quagmire

2nd Congressional District

  • Richard Pryce Matthews (Ron Paul activist)

3rd Congressional District

  • Thomas E. “Pinkston” Harris
  • Christopher Panasuk
  • Paul Spause (2006 Candidate)
  • John Stafford (a perennial candidate for various offices)

So the state party has completely struck out on candidate recruitment in the districts in which Republicans could be competitive.

I am so glad that so many are confident in the Republican leadership team that couldn’t get the job done on recruiting even one candidate who could reasonably compete in one of the districts. John Flynn really earned his money this year, didn’t he? Of course when, as I have heard, he pushed the issue of candidate recruitment off of his plate and tried to put the onus on the County Central Committees, what do you expect?

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We seem to have no money and we have no candidates in two competitive districts. At this point, we could save the money we’re paying John Flynn and let Marcia Jicka serve as the Executive Director, too. That’s a wiser use of the money than continuing to pay John Flynn for a seemingly never-ending succession of failures….


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