A Bad Rap

The Nuclear Option didn’t work. Circuit Court Clerk Frank Conaway’s self-produced rap ad left him mired in low single digits in the Baltimore mayor’s race. Reading the writing on the wall, or whatever, he’s pulled out of the race and thrown his support and campaign funds the “white candidate”, Keiffer Mitchell.

So cue the drums and bass and bid Frank Conaway a fond adieu:

“If happy times, dictate happy rhymes. That explains why something has to be done about all this freebasing and shell casings.

From gun collapse that fracture the air, when hitting the intended target was rare.
Headlines read by standard john, hit by a stray one.

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I’m old but let it be told. The polls you see, I’m running for mayor.
Sheila Dixon, I’m’na slay her.

I know candidates that spit crime plans.

Scripts that claim to have the answers. Colorful artists will stick to good lyrics.
Delusional pain and pictures. How Baltimore is supposed to be.

But they’re carbon copies and it’s going to take all of me to get this city back on a note of positivity.When she was the largest unknown city full of prosperity.

Frank Conaway. And I approve this message”

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